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Differentiate Your Business

Do multiple monthly invoices confuse and annoy your customers? Let 1nVOICE® simplify your billing.


You sell it and we collect on your behalf

Most finance companies think of invoicing just as a way to present billing information to your customers. We understand it can be a key differentiator, if done correctly.
If invoices are incorrect, customers get confused which causes headaches and erodes the relationship you have with them. The last thing you want your team spending time on is customer billing inquiries - or worse, complaints. That's why 1nVOICE® was designed as a complete, systematic process that offers a simple solution. We generate invoices that include both the payment due to GreatAmerica and any related charges your customer would normally expect to pay you directly. Giving the convenience of one invoice with all related charges. Once we collect on your behalf, we remit payment back to you aided by our technology integrations.

1nVOICE® Systematic Process

1nVOICE 8 Step Graphic EDIT2-01There are eight components available in our 1nVOICE® systematic process to remove the headache of invoicing and give you a competitive edge.

Single Invoice Solutions

DOCUmation on Streamlining Billing

Adam Young, CFO at DOCUmation, shares how the 1nVOICE® systematic process helps his team retain customers by significantly reducing billing errors and issues. By streamlining the billing process and increasing accuracy, 1nVOICE® helps them maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty. Watch this video to learn more.

More Than a Way to Present Charges

1nVOICE® is a systematic process matching your go-to-market strategy and providing your customer with an easy-to-understand single invoice. You want your customers to be loyal, happy and pay on time--all while running your own profitable, operationally efficient business. And let's face it, you don't want the billing headaches. These components of 1nVOICE® help you achieve that.

NEW From ECI & GreatAmerica

Introducing Pass-Through Automation

As a key step in the 1nVOICE® systematic process, Pass-Through Automation, powered by ECI e-automate and GreatAmerica, pulls charges outlined in your agreement from your e-automate system and displays them on your customers' invoice. Finally, a truly automated, single invoice solution!

Learn More About Our Integration with ECI


Rich Simons - Edge Business Systems

Rich Simons of Edge Business Systems shares the benefits he and his team have realized after they started using the GreatAmerica 1nVOICE® systematic process to simplify billing for them and their customers.

Match Your Invoice with Your Go to Market and Keep Customers Satisfied

Like this video? Download our Billing & Invoicing Checklist to ensure you're making it as easy as possible for your customers to do business with you, saving you--and them-- time and money in the process.

Download the Checklist

Invoice Presentation Options

There are a number of options when it comes to the actual presentation of the invoice. If you're interested in seeing a sample invoice, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and your GreatAmerica representative will get in contact with you.  

Here's How it Works:

Gold Circle 1

Download and review our Billing & Invoicing Checklist, as well as our Invoicing as a Differentiator White Paper.

Gold Circle 2

Create or update your go-to-market invoicing and integrations strategy; consult with GreatAmerica to see if we can help.

Gold Circle 3

Educate your customers and prospects on the advantages of your billing capabilities and the importance to them and you.

Gold Circle 4

Lean on GreatAmerica to help you continuously improve, access reports and help you keep your customers for a lifetime.


Success Story

Pearson-Kelly Technology on 1nVOICE® and HaaR

Chelsey Bode of Pearson-Kelly Technology talks about how 1nVOICE® and HaaR have helped streamline the customer experience, improve workflows, and drive efficiencies in their business. 

Learn About HaaR

White Paper

Invoicing As a Differentiator: Key Components of a Customer-centric Billing Approach

This white paper explores how billing and invoicing can help technology providers like you rise above the noise and differentiate from the competition. A flexible billing model can help maintain your bottom line, build revenue, improve the customer experience, and accommodate new service offerings. We will outline how you can tailor your invoices to the needs of your customers by using tools and technology to implement a winning billing model.

Download the White Paper


Billing & Invoicing Checklist

The way you invoice for the products and services you sell can be a differentiator, but not without leveraging the right tools and resources. Download our 'Billing and Invoicing Checklist' for a quick way to "audit" your current invoicing go-to-market.

Download the Checklist

Realize Efficiency Gains While Making Life Easier For Your Customers. Get Started with 1nVOICE®

Interested in learning about how GreatAmerica can improve your billing and invoicing processes through 1nVOICE®?  Fill out the form to get in touch with a GreatAmerica Representative.