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GreatAmerica Blog

Industry trends, insights from experts, resources for growing your business: all the things you've come to expect from GreatAmerica

Blog Feature

Characteristics that Make a Mutually Beneficial Financing Relationship Every day, we speak with a handful of MSPs who are new to financing and are looking for ways to win more customers, make more money, diversify their offerings, and distinguish themselves from competitors. The first step to starting that relationship with GreatAmerica is having a conversation with us to understand what you want to accomplish and evaluate whether we are a good fit for you, and if you are a good fit for us as financial technology providers.

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Blog Feature

At GreatAmerica, opportunities for upward mobility, career exploration, and individual achievement are everywhere. As long as you have the initiative to take on new challenges and the dedication to learn about the processes around you, the doors to your development are always open. With the support of leaders and peers alike, you have the power to drive your future and make an impact in your own unique way.

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Blog Feature

What's it like to be an Account Resolutions Specialist at GreatAmerica? Given our current work-from-home environment, my day begins by making a very short commute to my home office. After grabbing my water and logging in for the morning, the first thing I do is a quick scan through my email to see if there is anything that needs my immediate attention.

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Blog Feature

With both consumer confidence and the desire to invest working capital into technology at low levels, it is more important than ever to explore options that drive both you, the Solution Provider, and your customer toward profitability.

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Blog Feature

Selling is an art form – a skill set where you are able to simultaneously establish trust, offer a recommendation, and close the sale. In the early stages, as the technology solution provider, your objective is to identify the pain points and areas of opportunity when it comes to the prospect who’s either come to you or you’ve identified yourself. By the time you reach the stage of closing, the last thing you want is reluctance to proceed.

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