Industry trends, insights from experts, resources for growing your business: all the things you've come to expect from GreatAmerica
Disruptions in the supply chain are continuing to create challenges for equipment providers spanning nearly every industry. Many of our customers are facing some of the most difficult business obstacles they have experienced in recent history, from soaring prices to a shortage of goods. Unfortunately, there’s no way to predict when things will improve, in fact, some of our partners estimate it could be a year or more before things return to normal. Providers are feeling pressure to perform at pre-pandemic levels, but without inventory being consistently available, it becomes all the more difficult to hit quarterly numbers and profitability goals.
Last week, we sent several GreatAmericans to the BPCA (Business Products Council Association) Spring Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. The last few years have certainly presented obstacles, and solution providers have been faced with transforming their businesses continually. It was evident they are more motivated than ever to get back to pre-pandemic performance. This was fitting given the theme of the event this year: ‘Realizing Your Customer’s Full Profit Potential.’ The educational lineup was chock-full of information around strategies to get us there. So what were a few of the most buzzworthy topics? Read on to find out.
Jennie Fisher, Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Office Equipment Group at GreatAmerica, joined friend, colleague, and industry leader, Mike Stramaglio of Stramaglio Consulting to kick off the first episode of his brand new podcast, ‘Next Week’s Life.’ In this episode, Jennie and Mike discuss the rapidly changing business landscape and the move toward hosted software and services offerings. They also discuss the impact of The Great Resignation and strategies GreatAmerica has implemented to increase focus on customer retention. Watch the full video below.
Welcome to Experience GreatAmerica! In each blog, you’ll become acquainted with individuals from across our organization as they share unique stories, career journeys and how they each make an impact at GreatAmerica. We’ll pull the curtain back so-to-speak and share what life is really like here, how our team members contribute to the success of the organization, and what excites them most about the future here. Along the way, you may begin to picture yourself here too– owning your future and making an impact!
Inflation rates are rising at the fastest pace since May 1981. But what does that mean for your business?
Updated 4/13/2022. Originally published 9/23/2021. Monthly recurring revenue is a predictable and reliable source of income which you accrue when you sell your products, services, and more on a monthly payment plan. There are a variety of methods to achieve it, including subscriptions, leases and Hardware as a Service contracts, but the end goal is the same: monthly recurring revenue that is more consistent, predictable and valuable.
More than 4 million workers voluntarily quit their jobs in December 2021 in what is being called The Great Resignation according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This puts pressure on some of the most competitive jobs – including the top skilled technical resources your company needs to build and solve complex customer IT challenges.
In celebration of her recent "Female Executive of the Year" award by the Cannata Report, we were reminded of this great interview with her from 2022. She's been a role model for us all for many years and we congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition. With nearly 32 years' experience in the industry and a track record of unparalleled excellence, Jennie Fisher is an incredible example of female success in the office technology industry.
As the hiring landscape continues to change, it’s time to set strategies in place to market your business to the next workforce generation. Whether you’re looking to fill an internship or full-time role, current students are eager to find a position that checks all their boxes. Attending career fairs is a great way to address your upcoming hiring needs and introduce yourself as a competitive opportunity for the best graduating candidates.
Updated 1/13/2022. Originally published 4/22/2021. Customers need technology and look to their Solution Providers as the experts who can help determine how to best fulfill that need. The current economic implications on businesses include uncertainty and hesitation around utilizing cash flow, but financing can help. In this blog, we highlight the top eight reasons you should be offering your client a flexible way to acquire your technology solution.
Updated 1/6/2022. Originally Posted 1/28/2018. If the world of financing and leasing seems like a confusing landscape of options, you’re not alone. Approaching the industry with little to no financing experience can be overwhelming for anyone trying to introduce financing as a viable option for their business. Related: What is the Difference Between a Lease and a Loan? Like anything new, it’s helpful to understand the nuts and bolts of financing: at GreatAmerica, that’s an introduction to our most popular equipment lease types in use by businesses today. We’ll look at the pros and cons of each so you can identify which one is best for your business and your customers.
Updated on 12/2/2021. Originally Posted on 5/6/2020. Since 2020, IT and office technology providers have been tasked with deploying their clients’ remote workforce at record pace. Many projects were put on hold, and IT providers worked around-the-clock to ensure their clients could continue doing business securely from home, staying busy with software migration, implementation, and upgrades – all of which could conveniently be done remotely.