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Lee Rozeboom, Vice President and Managing Director of Sales at GreatAmerica, and Peter Kujawa, Vice President and General Manager of Service Leadership, Inc.®, a ConnectWise solution hosted the third and final of a 2023 series of webinars discussing best practices for technology service providers (TSPs) and specifically what to do in Q4 to prepare for a successful new year.
Lee Rozeboom, Vice President and Managing Director of Sales at GreatAmerica, and Peter Kujawa, VP & GM of Service Leadership, Inc.®, a ConnectWise solution hosted the second of a series of three webinars discussing best practices for compensation plans – and how to create compensation plans that are mutually beneficial to your company and your team.
Whether you know it or not, generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Dall-E have infiltrated your office environment. Employees use these tools for various tasks, including generating creative content for blogs and emails, finding inspiration, and possibly even for purposes that could be risky. As an office equipment dealer or technology solutions provider, it's crucial not to overlook the importance of AI safety in your workplace.
Lee Rozeboom, Vice President and Managing Director of Sales at Great America, and Peter Kujawa, Vice President of Service Leadership, a ConnectWise solution, recently hosted the second webinar of a two-part series covering best practices for MSPs. This webinar specifically focused on how you can work with financial technology providers to maintain best practices for recruiting and retention to maintain profitability.
In celebration of her recent "Female Executive of the Year" award by the Cannata Report, we were reminded of this great interview with her from 2022. She's been a role model for us all for many years and we congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition. With nearly 32 years' experience in the industry and a track record of unparalleled excellence, Jennie Fisher is an incredible example of female success in the office technology industry.
The three P’s of Assessing Talent: Process, Purpose and Preparation Lore and literature have long used a crystal ball to predict the future. By simply gazing into the crystal ball, a clear picture of the future will present itself. It makes for a great story but less so for a step in the hiring process.