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Blog Feature

Why Upgrade? Do It for the Joe, Office Equipment Dealers! Oh, the upgrade. A special kind of sell. It can be a tricky one considering you’re not technically selling a new solution. You’re selling the same product in a new model, and in your case, the product is a printer or copier. A new model may have new bells and whistles and improved features, but at a high level, it meets the same need. This presents a challenge, because why would your customers buy the same thing twice, especially when the second sell involves change? Change is hard!

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Blog Feature

Unfortunately the summer is coming to an end. If you are like me, with teenagers at home over the summer, this may be good news. My kids are excited to get the school year underway, but they also have some apprehension. They will have new teachers, new classes and different kids from last year in their classes. They're even worried about who they will sit with in the lunch room.

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