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Blog Feature

Updated 1/25/2023. Originally Published 5/26/2022. You’ve done all the hard work. You’ve educated your prospective customer on the benefits of new technology, provided examples of your service levels, and flawlessly explained how financing helps protect their cash flow. They like the idea of financing their technology and are excited to move forward. At this point, it’s crucial your financing partner can move quickly through the credit and funding process so your customer receives their new solutions without delay, ensuring your relationship with them starts out on a positive note.

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Blog Feature

Originally published 12/4/2016. Updated on 1/9/21.

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Blog Feature

Updated 1/4/23. Originally published 4/6/21 Finding the right person to join your team can be a challenge. Surprisingly, the real battle may be retaining that talent once you find it. Add a global pandemic, inventory shortages, and soaring gas prices into the mix, and things get even more complicated. Some employees are leaving their organizations and seeking jobs that are either remote or closer to home to cut back on gas spending. Commission-based roles are driven to leave organizations struggling with inventory shortages for those that have closer ties to manufacturers, and therefore have equipment to sell. Additionally, more employees are working from home and that means there is less personal interaction with coworkers, managers, and company leadership. All these scenarios and more are creating challenges when it comes to retaining top talent.

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Blog Feature

Updated 12/21/2022. Originally published 1/16/2020. Have you heard the phrase: "Nobody likes surprises?"

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Blog Feature

Updated 12/15/2022. Originally published 2/25/2021. What is Hardware as a Service (HaaS)? Hardware as a Service – or HaaS – is a proven business model for MSPs and Technology Solution Providers and an important piece to a complete As-A-Service model. It is a simple concept. You sell a total solution to your customer. They get the hardware, software, installation, training, consulting and, of course, it all comes fully managed in a single monthly payment. Many times, Managed Service Providers buy and own the hardware, and rent it to the client along with their Service Level Agreement (SLA), which the MSP bills and collects monthly. This model gives Solution Providers the ability to increase margins on hardware and service, standardize their customer base, and improve recurring revenue. HaaS also has the unique ability to cripple the cash flow of a Managed Service Provider if not well-managed.

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