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GreatAmerica Blog

Industry trends, insights from experts, resources for growing your business: all the things you've come to expect from GreatAmerica

Blog Feature

Monthly payment options are continuing to become utilized by all our favorite companies like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and so should you! This blog is a re-cap of a webinar led by Taylor McDonough, Vendor Relationship Manager with Connected Technologies Group at GreatAmerica Financial Services. If you missed the webinar, we have you covered:

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Blog Feature

Updated 11/8/2022. Originally Posted 10/7/2021. The pandemic revolutionized our world’s technology expectations and there are countless things you can do online today that you couldn’t do three years ago. Online purchasing offers instant access outside typical business hours which is undoubtedly convenient. This isn’t going away, so being prepared to address your customers’ needs is paramount. It can’t be denied that consumer buying habits have evolved and bled into the business world and we must adapt to respond to these technological advancements.

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Blog Feature

I’d like to share a story with you about mining. The mines are in Gauteng Province, near the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. They are beyond massive: So much of the Earth has been pulled from their depths that the landscape has changed. Where before there were flat, scrubby plains, today, strange, flat-topped mountains now rise. This is terraforming at its best.

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Blog Feature

Updated on 12/05/20223 Originally published 7/23/2020. You want to grow your business, maintain positive cash flow, and have lasting relationships with your customers. And today these objectives may encounter even more obstacles, as businesses run ‘lean and mean’ on resources. In times of economic uncertainty, strong and secure cash flow in the form of contracted recurring revenue can provide some stability and assurance that payments will continue to flow into the business. Bundling can help you do just that! No, we're not talking about bundling up for the cold months of ahead, although we recommend that too! We are talking about offering a bundled payment and delivering a true single invoice solution to your customers. Not only does this approach create a better customer experience and stronger relationships, but it can also help to increase your bottom line, grow your enterprise value, and secure future cash flow and revenue streams.

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Blog Feature

Updated 10/5/2022. Originally published 1/21/2020 If you ask anyone in the workforce today - in the imaging industry or otherwise - they will likely agree one of the high points of friction related to their job is working in multiple systems. Bouncing from program to program not only creates user-fatigue, but it is inefficient and leaves opportunity for distraction and error. In recent years, our solution provider customers have acknowledged this as a major obstacle when it comes to reaching their business objectives. That’s why they are finding it increasingly valuable to invest in solutions that streamline and automate their processes. GreatAmerica solution provider customers who use an industry customer relationship management (CRM) software called Sherpa CRM by White Cup can realize significant time savings through integrations that reduce the number of programs they must utilize throughout the sales and credit-approval process. Today, we are going to answer some of the most common questions around these integrations with Sherpa CRM. Let’s dive in.

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