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GreatAmerica Blog

Industry trends, insights from experts, resources for growing your business: all the things you've come to expect from GreatAmerica

Blog Feature

The BTA National Conference was held in Chicago, Illinois June 7-8, 2022. The event featured a packed agenda filled with knowledgeable speakers covering a wide range of topics, but a handful of themes were recurring: hiring and culture, diversification, and sales and marketing.

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Blog Feature

When it comes to selecting a financing partner for your office technology business, you likely have questions that determine if they are a match for your business and business solutions. At GreatAmerica Financial Services, we often hear, “Are my transaction sizes too big for GreatAmerica?” Or, in turn, “Are my transaction sizes too small?”

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Blog Feature

Disruptions in the supply chain are continuing to create challenges for equipment providers spanning nearly every industry. Many of our customers are facing some of the most difficult business obstacles they have experienced in recent history, from soaring prices to a shortage of goods. Unfortunately, there’s no way to predict when things will improve, in fact, some of our partners estimate it could be a year or more before things return to normal. Providers are feeling pressure to perform at pre-pandemic levels, but without inventory being consistently available, it becomes all the more difficult to hit quarterly numbers and profitability goals.

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Blog Feature

Last week, we sent several GreatAmericans to the BPCA (Business Products Council Association) Spring Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. The last few years have certainly presented obstacles, and solution providers have been faced with transforming their businesses continually. It was evident they are more motivated than ever to get back to pre-pandemic performance. This was fitting given the theme of the event this year: ‘Realizing Your Customer’s Full Profit Potential.’ The educational lineup was chock-full of information around strategies to get us there. So what were a few of the most buzzworthy topics? Read on to find out.

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Blog Feature

Jennie Fisher, Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Office Equipment Group at GreatAmerica, joined friend, colleague, and industry leader, Mike Stramaglio of Stramaglio Consulting to kick off the first episode of his brand new podcast, ‘Next Week’s Life.’ In this episode, Jennie and Mike discuss the rapidly changing business landscape and the move toward hosted software and services offerings. They also discuss the impact of The Great Resignation and strategies GreatAmerica has implemented to increase focus on customer retention. Watch the full video below.

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