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GreatAmerica Blog

Industry trends, insights from experts, resources for growing your business: all the things you've come to expect from GreatAmerica

Blog Feature

In the realm of sales, the adage "time kills deals" reigns supreme. While I can't pinpoint the exact source of this quote, its significance in sales is crystal clear. The lesson at hand is straightforward: speed is your ally. The faster you present a pricing proposition to a potential customer, the greater your chances are of sealing the deal. Allow me to illustrate this point with a personal anecdote from a few years back.

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Blog Feature

A question we are often asked is, “When selling IT on a bundled rental or As-A-Service structure, how can we increase our closing percentages?”

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Blog Feature

The sales process can take a lot of time and refining the financial plan to a point where every party is content can be tedious. Luckily for you, we have found questions to implement into your sales process that will alleviate these time-consuming steps.

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Blog Feature

Monthly payment options are continuing to become utilized by all our favorite companies like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and so should you! This blog is a re-cap of a webinar led by Taylor McDonough, Vendor Relationship Manager with Connected Technologies Group at GreatAmerica Financial Services. If you missed the webinar, we have you covered:

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Blog Feature

I’d like to share a story with you about mining. The mines are in Gauteng Province, near the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. They are beyond massive: So much of the Earth has been pulled from their depths that the landscape has changed. Where before there were flat, scrubby plains, today, strange, flat-topped mountains now rise. This is terraforming at its best.

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