You're likely feeling the challenge of getting clients to commit to new print programs today. Wouldn't changing the conversation from price to security be refreshing? Most customers haven't considered the risk to their network as more employees stay at home to work and then connect home printers to the company network. Personal printers connected to their employer's network opens the network up to cyber security risks. Having a secure print strategy -- especially with a remote workforce -- is critical. Save the day with MPSecure.
Security and business continuity are important to growing organizations. A secure print-from-home strategy will keep your clients' employees productive and their businesses safe.
By bringing this print security blind spot to the attention of your customers, you'll create increased trust as the resource they can rely on.
MPSecure empowers your sales team to change the conversation with customers and prospects creating value, opportunities and a deeper pipeline.
As you put together your own MPSecure offering, delivering a work-from-home print solution, be sure to educate your prospects and customers around network security, containing costs and safe document disposal.
Connecting personal print/scan devices to the company network provides an unprotected line to the business network and potentially devastating cyber security threats.
Leaving device and supply expenses in the hands of employees can lead to out of control costs for the company.
Improper physical document disposal from the employees' homes is another common blind spot creating data vulnerabilities for the company. Special shredders or disposal services can address this gap.
Watch this video to learn the risks of an unmanaged Work-From-Home print environment your customers might not be aware of.
As you change the conversation from price or print to business continuity and network security, it's important to read up on the print-from-home issue. What are the trends? What are the risks? And what are the solutions? Jump start your team's learning and read our white paper, 'Calling Out the Blind Spots in a Work-From-Home World'.
You have a team of trusted advisors. Help them increase their knowledge around print security by downloading this white paper now.
Interested in learning about how GreatAmerica can help finance the equipment, software and services necessary to maintain a secure remote managed print environment?