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Office | News

By: GreatAmerica
November 2nd, 2022

(Cedar Rapids, IA) November 2, 2022—Predictive InSight and GreatAmerica Financial Services Corporation (GreatAmerica) announce they have won an award for Best MPS Industry Collaboration by the Managed Print Services Association. The award recognizes their collaborative work on an integration to incorporate the financing process into the Predictive InSight ecommerce platform, Shopblocks, customized for the imaging channel. The award was presented to the companies during the 2022 MPSA Leadership Awards livestream event on LinkedIn.

By: GreatAmerica
October 20th, 2022

(Cedar Rapids IA) – GreatAmerica Financial Services Corporation announced today that it will double its charitable giving in the community by launching a new philanthropic fund directed by its employees. The new Employee Advised Fund is in addition to the GreatAmerica Donor Advised Fund which was established in 2001. The funds are expected to provide more than $1 Million to projects in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City each year.

By: GreatAmerica
October 14th, 2022

(Cedar Rapids IA) – GreatAmerica Financial Services Corporation announced today that it successfully closed its 22nd term securitization of $637 Million in privately placed bonds. S&P and Fitch rated 93.4% of the bonds being issued at AAA, with S&P moving to improve the A+ bond rating segment to AA-. GreatAmerica has now issued $8.7 Billion in bonds since inception. Proceeds from the transaction will pay off debt from warehouse and revolving credit facilities, putting GreatAmerica in an even stronger liquidity position to support its equipment vendors. “There is much effort by many GreatAmericans involved in successfully bringing a transaction like this to the market.” said GreatAmerica Executive Chairman Tony Golobic. “The consistent and dedicated focus of our GreatAmericans continues to impress the investment community and build trust among our financial partners.” Demand was strong as investors placed orders of $1.5 Billion…more than double the amount offered. Participation was highlighted by 29 unique investors, including 6 new investors.


By: GreatAmerica
September 16th, 2022

(Cedar Rapids, Iowa) --Tigerpaw has announced its list of the 2022 Top 100 MPS Influencers in the office equipment channel. Among the 100 listed, GreatAmerica is represented by four individuals: Kim Louden – Vice President, Sales, Office Equipment Group at GreatAmerica Tawnya Stone—Vice President, Strategic Technology at GreatAmerica Josie Heskje – Strategic Marketing Director, Office Equipment Group at GreatAmerica Greg VanDeWalker – Senior Vice President, IT Channel and Service at Collabrance, a wholly owned subsidiary of GreatAmerica


By: GreatAmerica
July 11th, 2022

Supports Imaging Channel Innovation and Collaboration

Specialty Markets | Franchise

By: Matt Doty
January 19th, 2022

(Cedar Rapids IA) – GreatAmerica Financial Services Corporation announced today that it acquired the assets of IRH Capital LLC, a recognized leader in the franchise financing industry. The acquisition will allow Northbrook, IL based IRH Capital to expand its services and add a new industry focus to the GreatAmerica business platform.


By: Josie Heskje
January 16th, 2022

(SCOTTSDALE, AZ) January 16, 2022 – From the floor of the Executive Connection Summit (ECS) 2022, GreatAmerica Financial Services (GreatAmerica), a founding member of The Consortium, reinforced its commitment to supporting office technology dealers as they evolve beyond print, into services and solutions with its technology financing capabilities. The office equipment leasing company offers a master document with supplements approach to create a way for office technology providers to easily match financing new solutions with their sales process.


By: Matt Doty
November 17th, 2021

We [S&P Global Ratings] raised our ratings on three classes and affirmed our ratings on nine classes from the transactions.


By: Josie Heskje
November 12th, 2021

Supports Imaging Channel Innovation and Collaboration

Office | News

By: Josie Heskje
November 9th, 2021

Finance Company Takes Top Leasing Category Honor Twelfth Time