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PathShare® HR Services Helps You Assess Talent

Enhance Your Hiring Process with Expert Interview Training

Interview and Assessment Training for Hiring Managers

At PathShare, we understand that not everyone involved in the hiring process has the same level of experience in conducting interviews. That's why we offer a comprehensive four-hour Interview and Assessment training class designed specifically for hiring managers. 

PathShare Interview Training Elevates Your Hiring Managers

Our training is tailored for adult learners, employing the "tell me, show me, and coach me" model through concept sharing, examples, role plays, and brainstorming opportunities. Your hiring managers will gain the insights and confidence they need to interview the top talent your company deserves. There are three main components to the training:

Why PathShare Interview Training?

Equip your hiring managers with the skills they need to conduct effective interviews and make better hiring decisions.

Join our Interview and Assessment Training for Hiring Managers and take your hiring process to the next level.

Complete the form for more information and to get started.